Sunday, June 24, 2007

A Fucking Korn Song?

This is a joke I just edited:

Q: What does ADIDAS stand for?
A: All Day I Dream About Sex.

Now, I know it's just a job, and that it's not my responsibility to judge whether they are funny or not, but a Korn song from 1994 that only posers liked? Are you kidding me?

Sometimes my job makes me want to kill the 90's, but they're already dead.

And another thing: Thursday-Friday were the worst 24 hours of my life, romantically, financially, and professionally, in that order. They can be summed up as: Abe Being Shit Head Again And Shouting At Me In The Street Like We're In A Trailer Park, No Money For Three Weeks, and Cops, Cops, Cops!

I think that Korn should write a song about me, but it would probably suck and only posers would like it.


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