Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Is this your little white pussy?

Last night, my sister and I dragged this cat in from my parents' back yard. It's a little white cat with two different colored eyes, a bad leg, and it might be pregnant. It's been hanging out for about a week.

It seemed friendly at first, until we got it in the basement, where it hid from us under a pile of sharp tools.

This morning we went to check on it, and it disappeared. I hope it's not in the ceiling. We'd like to take it to the vet before it has kittens in the wall.

Is this your cat? If so, please come and get it and take it to the vet.

1 comment:

Evan Meszaros said...

Its yours now - suck it up. And when it spews forth a litter of problems, don't use cuddly images and baby-talk to pawn them off on the rest of us. Leave them on the curb in true JC style.