Thursday, March 10, 2011

The smartest cashier

I've been waiting for grad school rejection letters for months, and they've finally started rolling in. So far, Texas rejected me, but they are the only ones. New School accepted me with a scholarship, but the tuition is still more than my yearly salary. Johns Hopkins wait listed me--which is nice because they only accept 5 people, and I like feeling special. Creative Writing MFA here I come, and when I get it, I will be the smartest cashier in all the land.


Unknown said...

You know the farther you run the harder they will hunts you

Unknown said...

Please don't publish that
Auntie was a little drunk

Unknown said...

please don't call the ASPCA i've had my vaccinations and I am seeking psychiatric help

please don't publish this either


thank you

Unknown said...

Melissa why did you want the floggers to know that your dear old auntie was a drinker?
I am supposed to be teetotaling ever since I hijacked that police van to drive the ladies from Teresa of Avila to bingo night