Friday, March 12, 2010

How much is this bachelorette worth?

I'm honored to have just been asked to be a Bachelorette in Art House's upcoming find Bachelor/Bachelorette Fundraiser on April 17th. I'm still waiting to find out how much stage time I'll get to showcase my beauty, and more importantly, where I can find break away pants.

So how much will you bid on my? I'll throw in Dirty Dog too.


Ro-Beast Rollie said...

Dirty Dog the sex act, or Dirty Dog the dirty dog?

Anonymous said...

What is Dirty Dog the sex act? Is it like a Hot Karl for heterosexuals?

Unknown said...

What's a Hot Karl? Isn't that the landlord guy on Aqua Teen Hunger Force? p.s. if you want, I have break-away underpants you could borrow... although sharing underpants is kind of questionable hygiene.

Melissa Surach said...

But I share underwear with everyone!